Sunday, 26 June 2016

6 Tips To Avoid Being Pick-Pocketed

Shopping is a trend now a days.People do it for no reason but in Ramadan we actually have a very relevant reason to waste our money because it's EID after Ramadan.SHOPPING word seems so ordinary but it's actually like "Dunya Hai Meri".Haha,Yes for some people.

I just went for shopping last night and you know what I got is an empty pocket.Yes,very empty just for nothing.You got it right,I was being pick-pocketed so professionally.I just experienced myself, so the preventions I came to know last night I wanna share it with you.

And keep half of the money in the other handbag or wallet.
Instead of lots of money and card both.
Instead whole of your beauty parlour,home keys and etc.
If you will take many people or kids with you,you will be more cautious towards them instead of the money.
Or any other card important for you in the wallet you are taking with you for shopping.
Only keep those which you want to use for shopping.

These are the tips so you can avoid being pick-pocketed.Hope it helps you in someway.If it does,do share your views in comments and tell me in what way it was helpful for you :)

2 Statements:

  1. Sorry to hear about that. Allah will give you something better instead. I know how frustrating and depressing such situations are. My gold chain was demanded once by bandits and that too on gun-point so it was really traumatic. May Allah keep everyone and their belongings safe.

    Good luck for your blogging journey!


    1. Yes it was a tough moment to get through but we(me and my family) managed to get through it.I feel sorry for the mishap happened with you.
      I am glad that you read my blog and thankyou for the wish.😄Good luck to you too!



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